Dong Nguyen, the shy Vietnamese developer whose famously challenging title winged its way to the top of the App Store and Google Play earlier this year, on Thursday released his newest work, called “Swing Copters.”
The iOS and Android smartphone game is free, with an optional $0.99 in-app purchase to remove advertising. It is now available in some countries’ App Stores and on Google Play. Dong has written on Twitter that it will soon be available in more countries.
Like its predecessor, “Swing Copters” appears potentially habit-forming — and is extraordinarily difficult.
Players must steer a small creature with large eyes and a propeller hat from the ground up into the sky, through what look like large swinging gavels suspended from girders. If the creature is hit, it plummets to the ground, then blinks its eyes incredulously.
In a recent preview of the title, iOS gaming site TouchArcade said it may well be harder than “Flappy Bird,” which Dong in February mysteriously withdrew amid global attention. Dong later told The Wall Street Journal that “it was just too addictive.”
In its absence, “Flappy Bird” devotees created fan art, and phones with the game installed were offered for sale online.
“Dong Nyguen, it looks like you have done it again,” one commentor on the TouchArcade article wrote. Other readers, however, criticized the game, saying it appeared to be merely a vertical rendition of “Flappy Bird.”
Dong did not respond to several requests for comment.
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